MISSOURI STATE CONVENTION St John United Church of Christ, Pinckney, Missouri March 12-13, 2016 Saturday, March 12 The 31st annual session of the Missouri State Sacred Harp was called to order at 9:30 AM at St John United Church of Christ by Marcus Whitman. John Huffman offered the opening prayer. The convention officers previously elected or appointed are as follows: Chair -- Marcus Whitman; Secretary -- Dave Ressler; Arranging Committee -- Presley Barker; Finance Officers -- Roberta Strauss and Holly Powell; Memorial Committee -- Presley Barker and Darrell Swearens. Song selections were from The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition and The Missouri Harmony, 2005 Edition. Leaders: Stephen Huffman 73t; Roberta Strauss 203; Les Sontag 178; Karen Isbell 384; Anne Heider 192; Jim Page and Carole Briggs 45 (MH); Holly Powell 564; Mary Huffman 34t; Tommy Schultz 497; Bill Rintz 268; Katie Dohman 40; Lori Graber 56 (MH); Shirley Figura 550; Bill Caldwell 240; Pattie Doss 532; Steve Warner 131 (MH); Gary and Marilyn Huffman 535; Stuart Ivey 328; Peggy Brayfield 39 (MH). RECESS Presley Barker called 276 to bring the class together. Leaders: Jim Herr 377; Paul Wyatt 476; Bill and Vickie See 163b; Ted Mercer 71 (MH); Matt Schoemaker 112; Cory Winters 13 (MH); Eddie Mash 78 (MH); Jo Dell Albi 109 (MH); Darrell Swearens 145 (MH); Wendy Hoffmann 172 (MH); Anne Drexler 335; Tullaia Powell 504; Dave Ressler 175 (MH); Lisa Bulawsky 385t; Marian Mitchell 267; Aubrey Hemminger 270; Johanna Fabke 472; Anna Dohman 365; Penny Kujawinski 228. RECESS John Huffman called 503 to bring the class together. Leaders: Anne Missavage 127 (MH); John Uhlemann 70 (MH); Janell Draper 315; Matt and Sarah Ream 63; Kevin Bullock 48 (MH); Christine Stevens 496; David Cassenheiser 448t; Clara Herr 300; Cecelia Kramer 464. The class sang 164 (MH) as the blessing for the noon meal. LUNCH Barbara Uhlemann called 299 to bring the class together. Leaders: Donnie Simmet 29t; Carla Bermudez 117; Matt Bell 85 (MH); Gail Doss (148); Barbara Chopin 313b; Judy Hauff 148 (MH); Paul Figura "St. Louis"; Reba Dell Windom 142; David Ivey 553; Johanna Sims 455; Nancy Price 396 (for Janelle Davis); Tim Morton 417; Debbie Barford 218; Judy Mincey 75 (MH); Jan Ketelle 216 (for Melanie Hauff); Anna Pfau 269. RECESS Evangeline Schultz called 106 to bring the class together. Leaders: Lou Kujawinski 131t; Logan Green 113 (MH); Caroline Brown 86; David Barford 332; John Seaton 180; Donna Gunderson-Rogers 466; Dalton Green 277; Jenny Whitman 236; Nate Zweig 64 (MH); John Hoerr 186; Tim van Engeln 547; Dale Dryer 138 (MH) (for Mary Owen Grayson); Willian Price 312; Patti Sontag 47b; Jonathan Smith 440; Seth Wenger 154; Becky Browne 362; Coy Ivey and family, Trusting (CB) Announcements were made. John Huffman closed the day with a prayer. Sunday, March 13 Marcus Whitman opened the day with a prayer. Leaders: Roberta Strauss (124 (MH); Karen Isbell 313t; Lori Graber 2 (MH); Jim Herr 176T (in honor of the children present); Bill Caldwell 135 (MH); Bob Borcherding and Anne Missavage 176b; Julie Thompson; Nate Zweig 26 (MH); David Ivey 19 (MH); Judy Hauff 68 (MH); Clara Herr 209; Tim Morton 394; Debbie Barford 192; Ted Mercer 74 (MH); Jo Dell Albi 84 (MH); Michele Rain 551; Marian Mitchell 189. RECESS Donnie Simmet called 32T to bring the class together. Leaders: Jan Ketelle 89 (MH); William Price 50t; Cecelia Kramer 127 (MH); John Seaton 47t; Kevin Bullock 373; Eddie Mash 151 (MH); David Cassenheiser 82t; Avery Powell 56t; Dayle Dryer 501; Christine Stevens 195; Aubrey Hemminger 344; Johanna Fabke 505; Donna Gunderson-Rogers 569t; Jim Page 139 (MH); Janell Draper 432; Steve Warner 171; Judy Mincey 177 (MH); Cory Winters 182. RECESS Paul Wyatt called 297 to bring the class together. Leaders: Bill and Vickie See 308; Gail Doss 573. Anne Heider 147 (MH). MEMORIAL LESSON: Presley Barker read the names from the list of the sick and shut-in as follows: Jeanette DePoy, Glenda Walton, Jean Hollingsworth, Dave Hofmann, Julie Vea, Laura Densmore, Margaret Connelly, Janelle Davis, Lila Mitchell, Richard Sublet, Dan Brittain, Berkley Moore, Melanie Hauff, Charlie Derleth, John and Lois Lee Ramsey, Susan Harcrow, Dickson Stauffer, Cathy Oss Tyler, Mary Owen Grayson, Norma Green. He asked that we also remember those among us who either suffer with mental health issues, or care for or have responsibility for family and friends struggling with depression, addiction, cognitive decline, divorce, and all manner of family, work or financial stress. Presley led 472. Darrell Swearens read the names from the list of the deceased as follows: Lorraine Bayer, Joe Fathergill, Bud Schneider, Bob Scorgie, James Hunter, Leroy "Roy" Wyatt, Jerry Yadamec, George Easley, George Garner, Oliver Kindig Stokes, Evelyn Harris, Fred Killingsworth, Fran Sontag, Janice Postman. Darrell spoke of the importance of the idea of "home", and how, in this world, being in the hollow square was being home, and how we look forward to our home above, singing with all those from this community who have gone before us. Darrell led 208. Marcus Whitman closed the lesson with a prayer, and led 26 (MH). Leaders: David Barford 532; Reba Dell Windom 542; Anna Pfau 522. LUNCH Tommy Schultz called 89 to bring the class together. Leaders: Nancy Price 498; Johanna Sims 175; Paul Figura "Webster Groves"; Shirley Figura with grandchildren Matthew and Abigail 299; Peggy Brayfield 178 (MH); Penny Kujawinski 421; Wendy Hoffman 159 (MH); Jubal Schultz 565; John Markovitz 278; Jedediah Schultz 313b; Dave Ressler 536; Les Sontag 122; Barbara Chopin 327; Anne Drexler 277; Becky Browne 211; John Uhlemann 212; David Lloyd 56b. RECESS Lisa Bulawsky called 441 to bring the class together. Leaders: Presley Barker 481; Patti Sontag 45 (MH); Bill Rintz 276; Tullaia Powell 361; Lou Kujawinski 475; Donna and Tommy Schultz 49b; Barbara Uhlemann 62 (MH); Holly Powell 560b; Ryan Hill 338; Jim and Clara Herr 546; Aubrey Hemminger 503; Anne Heider 155; Peggy Brayfield 22 (MH); Anna Pfau 500; Roberta Strauss and Shirley Figura 68b (for Charlie Derleth); Emerald Obrien and the Columbia MO singers 107. The arranging committe reported that 81 songs were called both Saturday and Sunday. There were 18 states and one province represented. Announcements were made. The class sang 347 and Jim Herr offered a closing prayer.